Support ISG
Let's build their future together
ISG is a non-profit association that receives no funding from any government, corporations, or other organizations.
ISG manages a balanced budget, which means that tuition fees, and loans are largely devoted to cover the association’s staffing and building costs. Donations, however large or small, represent a crucial resource, allowing the school to maintain excellence and go above and beyond.
Like other top international schools worldwide, support from our community enables ISG to offer students additional resources, new avenues for growth, new levels of educational excellence, and an additional support that tuition revenue alone will not provide.
HOW TO SUPPORT ISG | 2024/2025

Donations support students with the best educational experience possible.
The ISG Fund for Excellence (FFE) is a fund raising programme with the purpose of enhancing and enriching the educational experience of the students in ISG. The fund supports extraordinary student and faculty project opportunities that would otherwise not be financially possible.
The ISG Fund for Excellence is entirely funded by the generous support of our community and donors, and can support creative projects that foster excellence and innovation amongst our students. The Fund For Excellence donations will be used to support the following areas of impact: Academic Enhancements, Facility Enhancements, Service Learning, Sustainability, Arts, and Athletics. Potential donors are also welcome to contact the school’s director to propose a donation for a specific different project.
a special thankS
Goal 2024-2025
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At the heart of our mission is ensuring programs continue to expand and take our children beyond their own expectations and boundaries. Our goal is to raise €35,000 in order to create a new playground for children to enjoy during school time, and with their parents after school. The largest single donation will be given the opportunity to claim naming rights for the new playground.
For those who pay income, wealth, or corporate taxes in Italy, donations are tax deductible under Italian law because of ISG’s status as a not-for-profit institution.
a special thank YOU
We are particularly grateful to each person who made the Annual Fund a success in the past years. In year 2020 the school started the ISG Annual Fund for Excellence. The generosity of the community members allowed the school to open a new Innovation Lab, an external new play area and special equipment for the art room. Since its introduction 3 years ago, we have raised more than € 30.000 to fund projects dedicated to our students.

A New Outdoor
and Adventure Playground
A new outdoor playground for students of both Primary School and Secondary School in an amazing and unique historical campus.
Money raised: €6.000

gruppo spinelli
Innovation Lab
A new learning space that enables our students to develop the critical skills, motivation, and knowledge to thrive in a rapidly changing world, helping to make learning more relevant and meaningful.
Money raised: €20.000
ISG truly appreciates your support.
Donations of any amount can be made to the Fund throughout the year. All donations will have an immediate and lasting impact on education and the future of our students. The most efficient method of making a donation is via bank transfer or by credit card.
Potential donors are welcome to contact the school’s Director to propose a donation for a specific different project.
For more information send an email to the school’s director (
ISG is a non-profit association and receives no direct funding from any government or external agency. Revenue raised through tuition and other fees enable the School to offer the highest standard of core academic and pastoral programmes.
However, to enhance these programmes, ISG seeks the support of its community through the Fund For Excellence.
When you give to the Fund for Excellence, you invest in each and everyone of our students. Here’s how:
Funds can only be used for a thoughtful idea proposed by a teacher or staff member which fosters innovation and skill-building for our students;
The School Leadership Team reviews and approves all Fund for Excellence proposals. They ensure applications meet rigorous, mission-driven criteria and that grants are allocated across all school divisions;
Funding remains outside the operational budget, providing resources throughout the school year;
The Fund for Excellence places confidence in our students’ and teachers’ ability to create the future of teaching and learning.
Raising tuition to the level necessary to cover all of the costs of an international education would limit the number of qualified students who could afford to attend. As part of our commitment to diversity, we aim to make ISG affordable to all of its constituents, and therefore the school tries to keep fees as low as possible.
Fund for Excellence donations of all sizes make a difference by creating a truly remarkable educational experience above and beyond tuition. ISG families are encouraged to support the Fund for Excellence at a level that is appropriate for them.
No. Every large or small donation is valued and it is important for the school. Each donation, of any amount, shows support of the mission of the School, and is an example to others. We hope that all community members are inspired to advance ISG through a donation to the Fund for Excellence.
For those who pay income, wealth, or corporate taxes in Italy, donations are tax deductible under Italian law because of ISG’s status as a not-for-profit institution. Italian law allows the tax deduction for both donations coming from a person or a company.
Recognition of donations are at the discretion of the donor. Requests can be made via the Office of Development. Donors may also request to remain anonymous.
La ISG è una associazione senza scopo di lucro e non riceve finanziamenti diretti da alcun ente governativo o agenzia esterna. Le entrate raccolte attraverso le rette e le altre tasse scolastiche consentono alla scuola di offrire i più alti standard di programmi accademici e pastorali. Tuttavia, per migliorare questi programmi, la ISG cerca il sostegno della sua comunità attraverso il Fondo per l’eccellenza.
Quando donate al Fondo per l’eccellenza, investite in ciascuno dei nostri studenti. Ecco come:
I fondi possono essere utilizzati solo per un’idea ponderata proposta da un insegnante o da un membro del personale che promuova l’innovazione e lo sviluppo di competenze per i nostri studenti;
Il team della dirigenza scolastica esamina e approva tutte le proposte del Fondo per l’eccellenza. Si assicura che le domande soddisfino criteri rigorosi e orientati alla missione e che le sovvenzioni siano assegnate a tutte le divisioni scolastiche;
I finanziamenti rimangono al di fuori del bilancio operativo, fornendo risorse per tutto l’anno scolastico;
Il Fondo per l’eccellenza ripone fiducia nella capacità dei nostri studenti e insegnanti di creare il futuro dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento.
Aumentare le tasse scolastiche al livello necessario per coprire tutti i costi di un’istruzione internazionale limiterebbe il numero di studenti qualificati che potrebbero permettersi di frequentarla. Nell’ambito del nostro impegno per la diversità, miriamo a rendere l’ISG accessibile a tutti i suoi elettori, e pertanto la scuola cerca di mantenere le rette il più basse possibile.
Le donazioni al Fondo per l’Eccellenza, di qualsiasi entità, fanno la differenza creando un’esperienza educativa davvero notevole, al di là delle tasse scolastiche. Le famiglie della ISG sono incoraggiate a sostenere il Fondo per l’Eccellenza al livello che ritengono più opportuno.
Ogni donazione, piccola o grande che sia, è apprezzata ed è importante per la scuola. Ogni donazione, di qualsiasi importo, dimostra il sostegno alla missione della scuola ed è un esempio per gli altri. Ci auguriamo che tutti i membri della comunità siano ispirati a far progredire la ISG attraverso una donazione al Fondo per l’eccellenza.
Per coloro che pagano le imposte sul reddito, sul patrimonio o sulle società in Italia, le donazioni sono deducibili secondo la legge italiana, in quanto l’ISG è un’istituzione senza scopo di lucro. La legge italiana consente la detrazione fiscale sia per le donazioni provenienti da persone fisiche che da aziende. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla deducibilità fiscale delle donazioni all’ISG, si prega di contattare il direttore della scuola, David Monk (
Il riconoscimento delle donazioni è a discrezione del donatore. Le richieste possono essere inoltrate all’Ufficio Sviluppo. I donatori possono anche chiedere di rimanere anonimi.