a section COMPLETELY dedicated to isg families
We have created this section to give ISG parents direct access to all the information, documents and links that will be useful during the school year. Information include: forms required by the school (Social media, re-enrolment, etc.), academic documents (curriculum outline, handbooks, etc.), information about the Association (ISG Statute, board minutes, etc.), and practical information (Teachers’ contact, conferences, lunch menu)
We hope that you find this section useful.
ISG start
Information and links to start the school year FOR BOTH NEW AND RETURNING FAMILIES
In this section both new and returning families can find a pocket guide to start the new school year.
The guide is in English and Italian. We hope that you find it helpful!
coming soon!
In this section you can find the list of books and class supplies for the 2024-2025 school year.
You can purchase all the required books through the portal of Jomes Associates, a supplier that cooperates with the school. You may also decide to purchase books through a different channel.
Parents are encouraged to use one or more of the school’s apps to follow their children’s progress, check homework, contact their teachers, and update your family’s profile.
The apps include:
- Seesaw (for children in Early Years and Elementary school)
- ManageBac (for children in Middle and High school)
- Open Apply (for updating your family information)
In this section you can find the list of the teachers and their email contact information. Teachers are grouped by school section:
- Early Years homeroom teachers
- Elementary School homeroom teachers
- Primary Specialist teachers
- Secondary Subject teachers
In this section you can view the school calendar in detail. You can also view the calendar of the community events organised by the PTA, the Parent Association.
In this section you will find detailed information about the IB curriculum, detailed year long plans and teachers welcome letters.
In this section you can find the Student and Parent Handbook including information about dress code, school hours, absentees and dismissal regulation.
ISG forms
In this section, you will find a list of useful links to forms enabling parents to express their opinions and preferences across different fields, such as social media, cafeteria services, After-School Activities (ASA), summer school, and re-enrolment for the upcoming school year
In view of the usage of videos and posts on our social media and our website, designed to promote the school, we kindly ask you to fill out the consent form below to expressly indicate your consent (renewal, new consent, or denial) to the use of images and videos in which your children may appear.
The school will always operate with the greatest respect for privacy, filming children as discreetly as possible. While respecting the choice of each individual family, the school will keep a list of children who are authorized and a list of children who should not be involved in promotional images or videos.
You are welcome to contact us in case you have any questions at marketing@isgenoa.it.
The Program is divided into three trimesters:
TRIMESTER 1: September 23rd – December 1st
TRIMESTER 2: December 4th – March 8th
TRIMESTER 3: March 11th – May 24th
Activities will run once or twice a week, from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm (unless specified otherwise). Students registering for free activities are still required to complete the registration form. The school will send to parents the list of the running activities.
Child Care Club is offered until 5:20 pm.
IBAN: IT42 Z 03332 01400 000000962550
All ISG parents are kindly invited to fill out the re-enrolment form for the registration to the 2024-2025 school year. Please complete the form to confirm that your child will continue attending ISG as well as if you are planning to enrol your child in another school. All this information is very important to us to make sure that we can guarantee the space for all current and perspective new ISG families. Please note that we might open a waiting list in several early years classes (from Reception to Kindergarten).
The deadline to fill out the form will be January 31st, 2024.
You are welcome to contact Ms. Betty Bertoldo in case you have any questions at betty.bertoldo@isgenoa.it.
The school appreciates the feedback from all parents. In this section you can find some key surveys.

The ISG summer school is run for 4 weeks starting at the end of June. ISG students ages 2-14 are welcome to register!
Twice a year – in November and in April – parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s teachers. On those days students will not go to school because teachers will be meeting parents during the day. The school will send a reminder a few days before conferences are scheduled, and when the conference booking system opens up.
Parents will receive a reminder from the school when the conference manager system opens up.
ISG daily life
In this section you can view the school calendar in detail. You can also view the calendar of the community events organised by the PTA, the Parent Association.
Once a month, Mr. Monk, the school’s Director, will send all parents a newsletter containing community information and updates about the strategic and academic development of the school.
In this section you can find copy of all the newsletters released so far in the course of the school year.
Please click on the logo to view the menu of the cafeteria. The menu is differentiated by school sections:
- Early Years and Grade 2
- Grade 3 – 12
In this section, you will find the ISG Statute and the minutes of the Board meetings of the previous two school years.
The ISG director, the principals and the curriculum coordinators often invite parents to several presentations of the curriculum. In this section you will find the recording and the documents of these presentations.
A Library Bank is a space where parents can easily find a variety of resources, specifically designed to support and enhance the core curriculum taught at each level at ISG.