

school forms

In this section, you will find the information and the links to complete several school forms.

social media
consent form

In view of the usage of videos and posts on our social media and our website, designed to promote the school, we kindly ask you to fill out the consent form below to expressly indicate your consent (renewal, new consent, or denial) to the use of images and videos in which your children may appear.

The school will always operate with the greatest respect for privacy, filming children as discreetly as possible. While respecting the choice of each individual family, the school will keep a list of children who are authorized and a list of children who should not be involved in promotional images or videos. 

You are welcome to contact us in case you have any questions at marketing@isgenoa.it.


re-enrollment form

All ISG parents are kindly invited to fill out the re-enrolment form for the registration to the 2024-2025 school year.

Please complete the form to confirm that your child will continue attending ISG as well as if you are planning to enroll your child in another school. All this information is very important to us to make sure that we can guarantee the space for all current and perspective new ISG families. Please note that we might open a waiting list in several early years classes (from Reception to Kindergarten).

The deadline to fill out the form will be January 31st, 2024.

You are welcome to contact Ms. Betty Bertoldo in case you have any questions at betty.bertoldo@isgenoa.iT.